Information for poster presentations
The interactive poster sessions combine the classic contributed talks and posters in an appealing digital form. In addition to the poster, there is the optional possibility to present the core messages of the poster in a short 3-minute video abstract.
Poster and video format
Please create your poster as a JPEG/PNG file in portrait format (DIN A0; 84.10 cm wide and 118.90 cm high). The file must not exceed a maximum size of 25 MB.
Please create your 3-minute video abstract in MP4 format. The file must not exceed a maximum size of 150 MB.
The criteria are based on the technical requirements of the conference platform. Therefore, different file formats are unfortunately not possible.
Upload poster and video abstract
For the upload of the poster and video file, authors will receive an upload link by e-mail a few days before the conference starts. If you have not received the link by 27 August 2021, 14:00, please contact Ms. Beatrice Hensel ().
Review day and time of your poster presentation
Please check again day and time of your poster presentation with the conference programme.
Your poster presentation
Presenting authors are requested to be available to answer questions and discuss via group video chat during the entire poster session at their poster.
Poster availability
The posters and video abstracts will be available throughout the conference and via the Time-Shift & On-Demand function for all registered conference participants via the password-protected conference platform and are deleted after the conference. The DPG does not offer the posters and video abstracts for (public) download.