
  • SMuK Dissertationspreis 2021 (SYMD)
    Claus Lämmerzahl, ZARM Bremen, Deutschland

    The Matter and Cosmos Section, with the divisions Extraterrestrial Physics (EP), Gravitation and Relativity (GR), Hadronic and Nuclear Physics (HK), Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (MP), Radiation and Medical Physics (ST), and Particle Physics (T), awards a dissertation prize in recognition of outstanding research in the context of a doctoral thesis and its excellent communication. The award committee selects upto four candidates from the nominations who will present their doctoral theses at this symposium.


  • Preisträgersymposium (SYAW)
    Karl-Henning Rehren, Universität Göttingen, Deutschland

    The laureates of the Max-Born-Prize, the Gustav-Hertz-Prize, the Robert-Wichard-Pohl-Prize, and the Georg-Simon-Ohm-Prize, awarded by the DPG in 2021, present their work to a broader audience.

  • Entanglement (SYEN)
    der Fachverbände MP (federführend) und GR sowie der Arbeitsgruppe AGPhil
    Karl-Henning Rehren, Universität Göttingen, Deutschland

    Entanglement has gone a long way from a puzzle about some peculiar quantum mechanical states, triggering illustrous disputes about the interpretation of QM, to a dominant effect in finite-temperature solid-state physics, a resource in quantum computation, a driving agent in black hole thermodynamics, and a tool in quantum  measurement. The symposium aims to present some of these amazing facets with interest to many communities.


  • Neutron stars (SYNS)
    der Fachverbände GR (federführend) und HK
    Domenico Giulini, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Deutschland

    Neutron stars belong to the most extreme objects in our universe, whose properties stretch our imagination to its limits. Here are two examples: 1) On such a star, the weight of a teaspoon full of its average matter is comparable to that of a mass of our entire Moon placed on the surface of the Earth. 2) Strengths of magnetic fields exceed the critical one, at which the energy difference of a spin-up and spin-down electron is at the pair-production threshold. Clearly, the understanding of such objects poses an outstanding challenge to modern physics, involving an unusually rich and complex combination of our most fundamental theories. Our symposium aims to shed some light from various angles on the current status of this rapidly evolving and most fascinating field.


  • What makes an exoplanet habitable (SYEP)
    der Fachverbände EP (federführend) und UP
    Thomas Wiegelmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Göttingen, Deutschland
    Christian von Savigny, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Uni Greifswald, Deutschland